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Module 4 Question 2

Module 4 Question 2

Q Discussion Topic Behind much of the book of Proverbs is the "retribution principle," that is, that God rewards the righteous and punishes the wicked. Does that principle make sense in a modern complex world? Why or Why not? Be sure to cite verses from your readings in Proverbs to support your answer.

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According to “ Keener & Walton, 2016) the retribution theory essentially argues that good people are reward with good things in life. While bad people get punished for their actions. God rewards us based directly on our actions. However, in society today this theory may not have as much validity. Take the COVID-19 pandemic into account and the number of lives claimed and negatively affected. The virus which affected and infected people didn’t simply punish bad people. Sons, daughter, mothers, fathers, & grandparents were some of the individuals infected. These infections weren’t a direct result of being a “bad” person or committing poor actions. Instead, post infections were a direct result of coming in contact with someone with the virus. This recent pandemic is a modern day example of how the retribution theory may not hold up in today’s complex world.